Submission of presentation abstracts:
From June 21st to August 11th, 2023

The National School of Social Work of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), the Latin American Association of Teaching and Research in Social Work (ALAEITS) and the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain,
in collaboration with the Scientific Committee of the Social Work World Congress, have the honor to invite professionals from Social Work and
related disciplines, immersed in research, professional education and social intervention in the public and private sectors and civil
society to share their experiences and contributions in the:

Promote spaces for reflexive dialogue from the diverse perspectives and contributions of Social Work, for the understanding and social intervention against the inequalities and the global and local social problems in complex contexts, which challenge our disciplinary and professional pillars.
Social Work towards major social, local and international conflicts.
From the classic theoretical and methodological insights, to the contemporary ones.
Agenda for 2030: Participation strategies, and incidence of the Social Work within the Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS, by its acronym in Spanish).
Local and International social inclusive processes.
Strengthening the disciplinary construction, from the formative processes of the Social Work.
Aimed to:
Academics, professionals, and students in Social Work and related disciplines, immersed in research, professional training, and social intervention activities in the public, private and civil society sectors..
Paper work types:
They may submit works that expose:
A. Social Work research, intervention and innovations, single author or co-authored (can include report of progress, methodological proposals and/or results).
B. Theoretical or empirical contributions on the thematic axes of the World Congress.
C. Local, national, transnational or global experiences in intervention development and implementation.
D. Methodological approaches to social intervention in complex contexts, best practices and lessons learned, as well as projects with impact in micro and macro SW practice, local and global.
E. Contributions linked to education and professional training of social workers and contributions focused on the disciplinary construction of Social Work.
F. Projects and initiatives of National and International Observatories and Network.
World Congress of Social Work 2023 Global and local inequalities.
In this historical moment, it is important to reflect from the disciplinary perspective of Social Work on the approaches, experiences in interventions, rethinking the potentials and the obstacles as well as our professional and disciplinary capacities in solving and influencing contemporary micro and macro social problems, needs and dynamics, among which stand out: poverty, food insufficiency and famine, organized crime, armed conflicts, society-nature relationship and climate change, migration and human mobility, epidemics, pandemics and their impact on the social, as well as the centrality of the economic and political versus the social, dehumanization, and social fragmentation.
From classical to contemporary theoretical and methodological perspectives.
This theme focuses on identifying and making visible the trends in research, intervention and innovation in Social Work, collecting contributions from ethical, theoretical perspectives and classic methodologies, rethinking the current social and institutional structures of public policies, our strategies for social investigation, and how we relate to social actors and other members of the community, and evaluating the process of our moving forward with new agendas, methodologies and approaches to transform the social, allowing us to rethink our disciplinary construction and interventions in the face of inequalities and the development of alternative public polities.
2030 Agenda. Participatory strategies and impact of TS on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The global context, marked by climate change, current wars and conflicts, and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemy, suggest that we are facing a scenario of fragility of public health and social welfare systems The 2030 Agenda underscores the significant role of Social Work towards achieving social and economic equality, the recognition of human dignity and value of all people, and the promotion of community and environmental sustainability and the importance of human relationships.
Inclusive social processes locally and globally.
We recognize the importance of opportunities to discuss how address current and future social problems, where Social Work academics and practitioners imagine the challenges to the development of new organizational processes and initiatives for the reconstruction of the community social fabric from participatory methodologies and social promotion with people suffering from adverse and structural conditions of exclusion, racism, xenophobia, discrimination, violence and inequality. We hope to have opportunities to hear about relevant experiences of public polities, institutional and social capacities to address intersectional social problems, intervention with families and groups experiencing human rights violation, mediation, conflict resolution and possibilities of change from new global and local social actors.
Strengthening of the disciplinary construction from the formative processes of Social Work.
The state of the epistemic, ethical and methodological production of the discipline of Social Work will be addressed within the framework of the social sciences in the scenarios of reflection and transdisciplinary intervention, in dialogue with points of encounter and divergence in the formative processes of social workers; educational trends and approaches; training strategies in the face of the digital world; the reconfiguration of learning methodologies, and the construction of ties and responses to the society demanding professionals with an integral vision.
a) The presentation must be oral
b) Online oral presentation (This form of participation will be exclusive for people who are outside Mexico and who cannot travel to the venue of the event, as long as they meet the requirements of this call).
The works to be presented can be individual or collective, up to a maximum of 4 people. At the time of the presentation at the event, when it comes to collaborative work, only one person may exhibit.
1. Verify that the work to be presented is connected to at least one of the themes of the congress.
2. Send an abstract of the paper in Spanish or English to the email ponencias.congreso@ents.unam.mx.
Abstracts shall meet the following requirements:
• Contain between 600 and 800 words, with Times New Roman typography of 12 points, double-spaced, in APA format.
• The abstract should include: Theme, title of the paper; Name(s) and contact information of all authors (email, institution, profes-sional profile and phone number).
• If it is a theoretical, methodological or intervention paper, the summary must have sufficient detail to allow the Committee to evaluate the quality of the work according to the objective and thematic axes of the congress.
• Abstracts based on research results should be written with the following structure: Background or context, methods, and results.
3. Once the abstract has been evaluated by the Scientific Committee, the response of acceptance or non-acceptance will be notified via email. The opinion of the Scientific Committee shall not be subject to appeal.
4. The papers in length must be sent on the date indicated, attaching the letter of acceptance, a short profile and proof of payment of registration to the World Congress.
The technical specifications for the presentation of the paper in full will be included in the letter of acceptance. The Scientific Committee will select the papers that will be integrated into the edition of an international collective work, to be published in co-edition by the institutions and organizations that sponsor the event.
June 20, 2023
Publication of the convocatory to participate with papers in the World Congress of Social Work.
Submission of abstracts open.
From June 19 to
August 11, 2023
From July 17 to
August 31, 2023
Notification of acceptance of abstracts.
From August 1 to
October 23, 2023
Submission of papers via email.
October 5-7, 2023
Social Work World Congress.

More info: congreso@ents.unam.mx
Hire slow, fire fast
This is an old concept in business that you should hire slow and fire quickly. It means that you should take your time when bringing someone into your organization. On the flip-side, if it's not working out, let the person go without delay.
Panel discusion: Calvin Howards & Richard Alonderbridge
Evaluating leaders: what is a good leader and how do we know it?
Effective leaders inspire and empower their team members to become the best they can be, as well as achieve common goals. But how do you define a good leader? What are their universal traits and skills that ensure their success?
Panel discusion: Nicolle Zagrebbing & Robert Clarisson
Unconference topics brainstorm
Think of topics that you want to learn more about and let us know.
Voting on topics to choose the top 3-5
Smaller group discussions
Groups share their summaries
The topic owner of the group presents the main outcomes of their group discussion.
End of Heroes United Unconference
Discuss the results and the overall takeaways of this event. Agree on who will own the next Heroes United event.